- 3 dl naturella cashewnötter
- 1 dl solrosfrön
- 1 dl kokosflingor
- 15 urkärnade dadlar, gärna medjool dadlar
- 1,5 citron, skal och saft
- 1 msk lakritspulver
- 1 tsk vaniljpulver
- 2 msk kallpressad ekologisk kokosolja
- 0,5 tsk havssalt eller himalayasalt
Topping: citronskal, nypa gurkmeja och kokosflingor.
Gör så här: Kör cashewnötter, solrosfrön och kokosflingor till ett fint mjöl i en matberedare. Tillsätt dadlar, citronskal, citronjuice, lakritspulver, vanilj, kokosolja och salt samt mixa till en smidig massa. Smaka av massan och addera eventuellt mera citron eller mera lakrits, beroende på vad ni föredrar.
Blanda sedan till toppingen genom att mixa kokosflingor med rivets citronskal och en nypa malen gurkmeja. Forma sedan till bollar och rulla de i citronkokos. Njut!
Kramar Maya
Yummy, is the right word for these tasty lemon and licorice bliss balls, that I did for Felicia’s book release. They were appreciated as hell and definitely my favorite out of the three bliss balls I did.
The recipe is inspired by talented Josefine Jäger, but I have, as usual, free styled a bit and made the recipe according to my taste with more lemon.
Lemon and licorice bliss balls – about 20p
3 cups naturella cashew nuts
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup coconut flakes
15 pitted dates,i prefer medjool dates
1.5 lemon, zest and juice
1 tablespoon liquorice powder
1 tsp vanilla powder
2 tablespoons cold-pressed organic coconut oil
0.5 tsp sea salt or himalayan salt
Topping: lemon peel, pinch of turmeric and coconut flakes.
This is how you do it: Mix cashews, sunflower seeds and coconut flakes into a fine flour in a food processor. Add the dates, lemon zest, lemon juice, licorice powder, vanilla, coconut oil and salt and mix to a smooth paste. Taste the paste and add more lemon or more licorice, whichever you prefer.
Then mix the topping by mixing coconut flakes with lemon zest and a pinch of turmeric. Shape into balls and then roll the lemon in the coconut topping. Enjoy!
Xoxo Maya