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Empowered feminine mindset and energi vad är egentligen det? Du som följer mig har säkert sett mig nämna detta begrepp flera gånger i mina sociala medier. I am empowered women är ett koncept jag skapade efter att jag varit med om flera transformerande spirituella upplevelser efter varandra för något år sedan. När jag hade landad i allt, läkt klart kom detta till mig – I am an empowered feminine women with a strong midset and energy. Så här beskriver jag denna energi och tankesätt.
An empowered feminine woman knows she is enough, just the way she is. She understands her value and the power of her voice – at home, at work, in the world – and knows her worth. She deserves respect, and love and has the power to stand proud of who she is. She follows her heart and her intuition. Never settles for less and always follows her dreams and soul calling. She shines bright and unapologetically in all her grace, confidence, and feminine energy.
She knows who she is and loves all of her sides. She is a total embodiment of both her masculine and feminine energy. She is both soft feminine and powerfully masculine.
She is everything & owns herself completely with pride, love, and sensuality
Detta statement är något vi alla kvinnor har i oss, men vid olika tillfällen i livet har vi kanske tappat tron på vad vi är värda. Vi kanske har glömt vem vi egentligen är och vilken fantastiskt kvinnlig kraft vi besitter. Nedan har jag listat 6 enkla steg till hur du kan aktivera och uppgradera dig tillbaka till dig själv.

Photo by Roethlisberger.com
6 enkla sätt att redan nu börja aktivera och upgradera ditt empowered feminine mindset och energi
- Var inte rädd för att utrycka vad du känner. Som kvinna har du en kraftfull röst. Dina åsikter, idéer är giltiga och de förtjänar att bli hörda. Låt inte nejsägare, hatare eller troll avskräcka dig från att säga vad du tycker om du känner att du behöver dela.
- Uttryck din kreativa sida. Detta kan ta formen i skrivande, målning, musik, ett DIY projekt, matlagning, bakning, sång, etc. Vilket utlopp du än väljer för att uttrycka din kreativitet kommer ge utryck åt din feminina energi.
- Omfamna din sexualitet. Låt dig vara den mest autentiska versionen av dig oavsett vad det betyder för dig.
- Gå med i Holistic wellness women club och bli en del av alla fantastiska kvinnor. Spendera tid med kvinnor som bygger upp dig är det bästa för att känna sin egna kraft. Du signerar lättast upp till nyhetsbrevet och cluben på första sidan av mayanestorov.com
- Hitta rutiner som hjälper dig att känna dig jordad och ta dig tid att reflektera. Detta kan ta formen av meditation, journaling, hudvårdsrutin etc.
- Connecta med din kropp. Lära känna dig själv inifrån och ut. Onnanera, rör dig sensuellt, dansa med höfterna och frigör energi, ta en bachata kurs för att komma i kontakt med din sensuella och kvinnliga sida.
What is an empowered feminine mindset and energy really? You who follow me have probably seen me mention this concept several times on my social media. I am empowered women is a concept I created a while ago after I had been through several transforming spiritual experiences one after the other. When I healed clearly this came to me – I am an empowered feminine woman with a strong mindset and energy.
An empowered feminine woman knows she is enough, just the way she is. She understands her value and the power of her voice – at home, at work, in the world – and knows what she deserves. She deserves respect and has the power to stand proud of who she is. She follows her heart and her intuition. Never settles for less and always follows her dream and soul calling. She shines bright unapologetically in all her grace, confidence, and feminine energy.
She knows who she is and loves all of her sides. She is a total embodiment of both her masculine and feminine energy. She is both soft feminine and strong masculine.
She is everything & owns herself completely with pride, love, and sensuality
This statement is something we all women have in us, but at different times in life we may have lost faith in what we are worth. We may have forgotten who we really are and what a fantastic female power we possess. Below I have listed 6 simple steps on how to activate and upgrade yourself back to yourself.
How can you start to embrace your feminine energy and all that you are
- Do not be afraid to share your feelings. As a woman, you have a voice. You have valid opinions and ideas, and they deserve to be heard. Do not let naysayers, haters, or trolls deter you from speaking your mind.
- Express yourself through creative means. This can take the form of writing, painting, music, a DIY project, cooking, baking, singing, etc. Whatever outlet you choose to express your creativity is valid for embracing your feminine energy.
- Embrace your sexuality. Let yourself be the best, most authentic version of yourself.
- Become part of the holistic women wellness club. A community of like-minded women. Spend time with women who build you up and start to feel your power. You will find the registration in my main page mayanestorov.com
- Find routines that help you feel grounded, and take the time to reflect. This can take the form of meditating, journaling, a skincare routine, etc. You decide what works best for you.
- Reconnect with your body. Get to know yourself from the inside out. Masturbate, move sensually, dance with your hips and release energy, and take a bachata course to get in touch with your sensual and feminine side.